Safety Fest of the Great Northwest Boise 2024
Course Descriptions
Construction Focus Four
This course focuses on the top four hazards in the construction industry (falls, electrocutions, struck-bys and caught-in) and will highlight material from OSHA’s Outreach Training PowerPoints. Construction workers make up approximately 6% of the country’s workforce, but account for more than 20% of all job related fatalities each year. Construction is one of the most hazardous industries in America; each year a substantial number of construction worker lives, and countless others are injured by these four hazards.
CPR/AED Certification
First Aid, CPR, AED – participants will receive an electronic certificate from Medic First Aid after attending class and successfully demonstrating the knowledge and skills.
Damage Prevention and Excavation
This Damage Prevention and Excavation Safety class is designed to provide participants with a basic knowledge in excavation safety, damage prevention, calling before you dig safety (811), and an overview of the effort to reduce damages in the local area.
Defensive Driving
Review statistics, top injury causes, defensive driving techniques, special situations, and inclement weather.
Effective Training Methods
Getting the safety message across in a clear, concise way that employees understand and expecting them to remember the information long after the training is a challenge every company faces. The methods we use to transmit safety information are of vital importance because let’s face it, everyone learns differently. This course is designed to review and discuss the various safety training methods that can be employed to help employees learn and retain vital safety training information.
Evacuation and Emergency Planning
This course covers OSHA requirements for emergency action and fire protection plans. Course topics include purpose and requirements of emergency action and fire prevention plans, elements of emergency evacuation plans, and features of design and maintenance of emergency exit routes. Students will participate in workshops pertaining to the development of emergency action plans. Upon course completion students will have the ability to list the elements of an emergency action plan and emergency evacuation floor plans, recognize violations of OSHA exit route requirements, determine whether their organization requires an emergency action plan, and develop and implement workplace emergency action and fire protection plans.
Fall Protection
Requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M Fall Protection Requirements in Construction (including residential fall protection Requirements and exceptions). We will review different types of Personal Fall Protection Arrest/Restraint Equipment including inspection donning (hands on). Examine Operation manuals for a harness and Self-Retracting Lifeline (as examples) This half-day course identifies, evaluates, and prevents exposures to fall hazards at construction sites. The goal of the course is to provide small business owners, trainers, supervisors, and employees with information on recognizing potential fall hazards at their worksites and suggest ways to avoid, minimize, control, and prevent these hazards whenever possible. The course focuses on falls to a lower level rather than falls resulting from slips and trips. Topics include identifying fall hazards, analyzing fall hazards, and preventing fall hazards, as well as OSHA resources that address fall hazards.
Heat Illness Prevention
This course will provide an overview of prior case examples, define heat stress and the physiology of heat, review the importance of acclimatization, discuss heat disorders and how to measure heat relative to corresponding exposure limits, and describe elements of related controls and heat illness prevention programs.
Hoisting and Rigging
This Rigging class is designed to provide participants with a basic knowledge in Risk Management, The basic rigging plan, load control basics, the rigging triangle, and application and inspection of hardware and slings.
How to Reduce Time Loss Benefits and Bring People Back to Work
Employer Compliance: An overview of workers’ compensation law, proof of coverage requirements, and the difference between independent contractors vs. employees. Benefits Administration: An overview of benefit eligibility, new case law, and how an employer can impact claims costs. Rehabilitation: An overview of return-to-work services for employers and injured workers. ***Recommend taking Workers’ Compensation 101 offered at 8 AM in the same room.
How to Write a SWPP
This course will include how to write a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) . We recommended taking this class as well as Storm Water Responsible Person.
Job Safety Analysis
This course reviews what a job safety analysis/job hazard analysis is and why it should be performed, identifies the information that should be documented during a job hazard analysis, and provides example jobs and potential hazards that may be encountered.
Leading a Safety Culture
Ever wonder why some companies have outstanding safety cultures? Well, they didn’t happen by accident. This session will demonstrate the importance and benefits of having a strong culture of safety in your workplace and community. Examples, tips, activities, and ideas to lead, develop, and enhance the culture will be provided.
Lockout Tagout
This course covers the role and responsibility of the employer to develop and implement an energy control program, or lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) for the protection of workers while performing servicing and maintenance activities on machinery and equipment. Course topics include types of hazardous energy, detecting hazardous conditions, implementing control measures as they relate to the control of hazardous energy, developing and implementing energy control programs including written isolation procedures, training of authorized and affected employees, and periodic inspection of energy control procedures using the OSHA Control of Hazardous Energy Standard. Upon course completion the student will have the ability to explain the importance of energy control programs, procedures, training, audits and methods of controlling hazardous energy.
Natural Hazards
This condensed presentation will provide information on the incidence and impact of natural disasters including winter storms, lightning, floods, wildfires, tornadoes, and earthquakes. We’ll discuss the hazards and what you need to know to assess your risk, prepare for the hazard, and how to respond during and after the event to minimize risk and protect your jobsites and families.
Office Ergonomics
This awareness level training is designed to provide a comprehensive review of good office ergonomic practices. Participants will learn the basics of Ergonomics, signs, symptoms and causes of muscular strains and sprains as well as methods to minimize risk exposure to these types of injuries.
OSHA 10-Hour General Industry (English)
OSHA General Industry 10-Hour training and card. Training covers topics that include: forklifts, machine guarding, electrical, exits & egress, fire protection, and emergency action. *Full attendance required both days for 10-hour card.
OSHA 10-Hour General Industry (Spanish)
Este programa de capacitación de 10 horas proporciona la instrucción en las regulaciones y requisitos de OSHA que se aplican a la industria de la construcción y enseña la conciencia de seguridad, lo que ayuda a los trabajadores a reconocer y reducir los riesgos de la obra de construcción y los riesgos industriales. Esta clase es requerida por muchas jurisdicciones federales y estatales con el fin de trabajar en la construcción y sitios industriales.
OSHA 7205 Health Hazards
This course covers common health hazards that are encountered in the workplace. These health hazards include exposure to chemicals, asbestos, silica, and lead. Course topics include identification and evaluation of health hazards and their sources of exposure, health hazard information, and engineering and work practice controls. Students participate in workshops on evaluation and abatement of workplace health hazards. Upon course completion students will have the ability to understand common health hazards in the workplace and methods for controlling and abatement of these hazards.
OSHA Case Studies
This presentation will highlight recent accident investigations conducted by the OSHA Boise Area Office. Photos of enforcement activity with lessons learned will be featured. Examples of industries addressed include logging, framing, trench work, and wood product manufacturing.
This course covers OSHA requirements for maintaining and posting records of occupational injuries and illnesses and reporting specific cases to OSHA. Upon course completion students will have the ability to identify OSHA requirements for recordkeeping, posting and reporting and to complete OSHA Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, OSHA Form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, and OSHA Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report.
Root Cause Analysis
This advanced safety course explores the tools and methods for conducting a thorough investigation that identifies root causes to help prevent similar events from happening again. In this way, employers will reduce the risk of death and/or injury to workers, the community or environmental damage. By using root cause analysis to prevent similar events, employers can avoid unnecessary costs resulting from business interruption, emergency response and clean-up, increased regulation, audits, inspections, and OSHA or EPA fines.
Safety Leadership
This course focuses on front line leadership and the financial impact injuries and incidents can have on the bottom line.
Silica Dust Protection
This course covers the development and implementation of controls and strategies to prevent or mitigate silica exposures in construction, maritime, and general industries. Course topics include describing the requirements of OSHA’s Respirable Crystalline Silica standards and recognizing the hazards and risks, assessment options, and exposure control measures associated with silica exposure.
Storm Water Responsible Person (Boise City)
This class is required by the City of Boise to be a qualified Responsible Person for construction site erosion and sediment control. The certification is valid for Boise, ACHD, Garden City, Nampa and Caldwell. The course includes Responsible person duties, Local regulations and erosion control, and Best Management Practice basics for construction projects. Participants that complete the class will be able to register with the City of Boise. We recommend taking this class as well as how to write a SWPPP.
Trench and Excavation Hazard Awareness
This presentation will provide an overview of trench & excavation inspections conducted by the OSHA Boise Area Office, highlight main aspects of OSHA Subpart P – Excavations, and conclude with reviewing feasible abatement measures for site activity.
This course covers the hazards and injuries likely to occur in public warehousing and storage operations, including encounters with powered industrial trucks, material handling, lifting and ergonomics, hazard communication, walking and working surfaces, and life safety including fire protection and evacuation. This course is intended for warehouse workers, supervisors, and employees responsible for developing safe work practices and procedures in a warehouse setting. Upon course completion students will have the ability to recognize the potential for injuries from forklifts, material handling and lifting, exposure to hazardous substances, slips, trips, and falls and methods to control and abate these hazards.
Workers Compensation 101
Review of workers’ compensation insurance, how it works, why it works the way it does as well as what are the most important aspects for a business to know. ***Recommend taking with How to Reduce Time Loss Benefits and Bring People Back to Work offered at 9 AM in the same room.
Worker Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act and Child Labor Laws
This presentation will review workers’ rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act (such as overtime, and hours worked) and what to do if someone’s labor rights are violated. It will review the areas of the law that most impact workers, including overtime, hours worked, misclassification as independent contractors, child labor and many others. Workers will have a good understanding of the law and their rights.