Date(s) - 01/25/2023
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Boise State Student Union
Track No Tracks
Classroom: BSU SUB, Simplot B
The class is a comprehensive look at Confined Space Operations. It will cover the definition of confined spaces, legislation, consensus standards and operational requirements to include the roles and responsibilities for confined space operations. How to identify and control the hazards. The class will cover documentation including entry permits and emergency response. It will discuss the additional requirements for monitoring equipment, including SCBA and Supplied Air Respirator selection.
This class is fully booked.
NOTE: We do not have the manpower to make changes to your schedule or to track “wait lists” this year.
If a class is full, please go to the class and check in with the monitor at class time. The monitor will add folks on a first-come, first-served basis as space permits. Please, do not be late for your class (your spot will be filled) and please DON’T be a “No Show.” If your class is at AGC, ITD, Tates Rents, or Suez (previously United Water), please go to those locations to see if you can attend.
Also, please make sure you print your classes after you register. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide during account registration. In order to check your class schedule, log in using your username and password and navigate to My Classes. If you cannot remember your classes, please come to the registration desk for your packet at the BSU Student Union Building the first day of the conference.